Monday 31 October 2011

London hosts the Olympic Games

Every four years athletes all over the world meet to compete in the Olympic Games which are the biggest competition on the planet. Considering the importance of the Olympics, countries competing to host this great event and the next summer Olympic Games will be organized in London. The main question now is; will London be ready to host the Olympics or not?

With big events come big responsibilities so the hard work has started by the organizers preparing the capital for the major occasion. However, bearing in mind problems in infrastructure that London suffers from, avoiding failure will be a challenge. It is expected that the capital will receives millions of visitors during the Games. London is already a crowded city and public transports are heaves under pressure. For example, just looking at the tube during rush hour and how people are packed make you think that it is will be impossible to use it when the Games begin. In fact, every place will be congested such as hotels, restaurants and even cash machines.

On the other hand, London as one of the greatest cities on the world should not faces problems with hosting big events. The city is used to deal with umpteen number of tourists every year. Moreover, Londoners are experts in organizing big occasions like Wimbledon and big matches in the premier league. In addition, the main stadium is located far away from the city centre so that will reduce the pressure on the city.

In conclusion, despite the difficulties that the capital will face, I think that London will be ready to host the Olympics and we will witness a perfect event.


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