Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Environment

Scientists all over the world say that we are heading to environmental catastrophe if we do not rectify the situation. Of course, neither individuals or governments want to reach the point of no return. However, both sides, especially governments, do not take serious steps avoiding the disaster.

The majority of people do not seem to be very concerned about the environmental condition. Moreover, they do not bother themselves even when it comes to just putting their garbage in the appropriate places. For example, if you take a walk in Colchester town you will find rubbish all over the place. People must know that preservation of the environment means better life for them and for their children.

On the other hand, governments as well do not take the issue of the environment seriously. They must take their responsibilities and play a bigger role in saving the environment. They have to consider environment protection as a priority, so they must enact legislations  deterring people and companies from harming the environment. For instance, the UK government has issued a law that prohibits smoking in public places.  Furthermore, governments should make people aware of the risks resulting from hurting the environment.

In conclusion, despite the fact that individuals are damaging the environment by their actions, the idea that governments do not bear the greatest responsibility is ridiculous. I think that we should work together as a team to achieve the best results.    

1 comment:

  1. Very nice essay on the environmental question. I agree with you that the government needs to lead the way, but I think sometimes the people, the individuals, are the catalysts for change. But either way, you make a good argument.

    Where is the post on a trip you've enjoyed??
