Wednesday 30 November 2011

Is it enough money for you

Who does not want to be a millionaire, it is obvious that everyone wants to have a decent financial life, but money is relative and varies from one to another so what I consider as a large sum of money may not be the same case for others.
Even more important than how much money do you have is if are you able to manage it well or not. People must distinguish between the needs and desires, they must arrange their priorities and reduce spending money on luxuries. If I take my self as a bad example for managing money, I spend what I get without thinking of the consequences and I am aware that if I do not hold myself I would confront financial problems in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you: how you manage money is more important than how much you have. Are you really a bad example? Excellent writing and good vocabulary.

    *third person singular for the first verb
    *'they must arrange THEIR priorities'
    *'hold' in the last line sounds unnatural. Perhaps 'control', 'manage' or 'organize'?
