Thursday 8 December 2011

Our right

Saudi Arabia is the first country in the world when it comes to produce oil. It has relied on oil export which helped it to become one of the biggest economies in the world. based on that, with a population of twenty million, it should be a land of opportunity and the people should live in prosperity. In fact, the situation is far away from that, Saudi Arabia has a major unemployment issue and many people suffered from poverty. This situation must be changed and to do that it is necessary to locate the defect to fix it. Saudi Arabia has been ruled by a bunch of thieves who do not care about anything but to increase their fortune. People must wake up from their  sleep and start to claim for their rights.     

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Is it enough money for you

Who does not want to be a millionaire, it is obvious that everyone wants to have a decent financial life, but money is relative and varies from one to another so what I consider as a large sum of money may not be the same case for others.
Even more important than how much money do you have is if are you able to manage it well or not. People must distinguish between the needs and desires, they must arrange their priorities and reduce spending money on luxuries. If I take my self as a bad example for managing money, I spend what I get without thinking of the consequences and I am aware that if I do not hold myself I would confront financial problems in my life.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Euro Trip

It was three years ago when, me, my brother and three of our friends planned to go to a trip in Europe. The plan was to begin from Paris, passing  through Barcelona, Chamonix and finally Clermont.

First of all, we arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport and hired a car heading to Clermont to take some stuff from my brothers' flat because he was living there. Then, we continued our journey and reached Barcelona at four o'clock in the morning. It was a long way and we were exhausted so we went to the flat that we have already booked but they refused to let us in because we were more than they expected and what it was booked for, so we went to a hotel and rested there. We stayed in Barcelona four days and did a lot of things like attendance FC Barcelona vs Atletico Madrid match and going to Port Aventura which is a theme park near the city.

Next, we went to Chamonix, which is a town at the foot of Mont Blank the highest peak in Europe, and on the way we stopped in Geneva for couple of hours. When we arrived to our destination it was night and we were exhausted so we fell asleep. We spent two days in Chamonix, the first day we took a relaxing tour around the town and the next day we went up the Mont Blanc.

After that, we left Mont Blanc for Clermont  and we stayed in my brother flat. After five days in Clermont we returned to Paris and spent the last in it and in the morning we were in the plane heading home.  

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Environment

Scientists all over the world say that we are heading to environmental catastrophe if we do not rectify the situation. Of course, neither individuals or governments want to reach the point of no return. However, both sides, especially governments, do not take serious steps avoiding the disaster.

The majority of people do not seem to be very concerned about the environmental condition. Moreover, they do not bother themselves even when it comes to just putting their garbage in the appropriate places. For example, if you take a walk in Colchester town you will find rubbish all over the place. People must know that preservation of the environment means better life for them and for their children.

On the other hand, governments as well do not take the issue of the environment seriously. They must take their responsibilities and play a bigger role in saving the environment. They have to consider environment protection as a priority, so they must enact legislations  deterring people and companies from harming the environment. For instance, the UK government has issued a law that prohibits smoking in public places.  Furthermore, governments should make people aware of the risks resulting from hurting the environment.

In conclusion, despite the fact that individuals are damaging the environment by their actions, the idea that governments do not bear the greatest responsibility is ridiculous. I think that we should work together as a team to achieve the best results.    

Monday 31 October 2011

London hosts the Olympic Games

Every four years athletes all over the world meet to compete in the Olympic Games which are the biggest competition on the planet. Considering the importance of the Olympics, countries competing to host this great event and the next summer Olympic Games will be organized in London. The main question now is; will London be ready to host the Olympics or not?

With big events come big responsibilities so the hard work has started by the organizers preparing the capital for the major occasion. However, bearing in mind problems in infrastructure that London suffers from, avoiding failure will be a challenge. It is expected that the capital will receives millions of visitors during the Games. London is already a crowded city and public transports are heaves under pressure. For example, just looking at the tube during rush hour and how people are packed make you think that it is will be impossible to use it when the Games begin. In fact, every place will be congested such as hotels, restaurants and even cash machines.

On the other hand, London as one of the greatest cities on the world should not faces problems with hosting big events. The city is used to deal with umpteen number of tourists every year. Moreover, Londoners are experts in organizing big occasions like Wimbledon and big matches in the premier league. In addition, the main stadium is located far away from the city centre so that will reduce the pressure on the city.

In conclusion, despite the difficulties that the capital will face, I think that London will be ready to host the Olympics and we will witness a perfect event.